Friday, September 12, 2008


When the waters run too deep . . .

Sometimes the nightmares are real . . .

A Winter Heart

In the madness of the dark, a child speaks without a voice.
So weak . . . so small, desperate to break free,
from the shadows from which one cannot escape.
Numbness permeates the limbs of free will.
Fear of horrid creatures, dark and malformed,
visions from some old folk lore, not of the fairy kind.

A snap! A creak! Fear the worst!
Cringing and crawling, back pushed to the wall.
All light dies . . . it's cold within.
Torture! It's coming! Eyes shut tight.
A broken, saddened heart pounds wildly.
Can no one save the hapless child now?

Long before the rays of innocent life should fall,
in the place where devilish nightmares dwell,
dark shadows take shape, becoming a species of their own.
Gnawing teeth and sharpened deadly claws,
bringing forth screams, from the bowers of hell itself.
Childlike bravery rises, only to falter, cowering before the red encrusted eyes.

A winter heart, now broken and bereft, tightly closes in,
fortifying itself so well, that even the spring warming dare not enter the void.
A cold sweat slowly soaks through into the soul.
The darkness surrenders, becoming the dawn of another life.
A trembling body shivers, awakening into adulthood once again.
It has been the prologue of a legacy, from the realm of an obscure nightmare.

Shay White
Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved

Night Dreams

Fragmented Dreams

A lost, ancient indifference.
In sleep, you summon me.
Down through the ages,
the past and future, become one.
a sacred circle of life.

An old road, broken.
A specter of the past.
by the blush of the moon.
Mythical tales, retold,
before the world grows dim.

A garden, fair and sweet.
Weary traveler, with no home to heed.
Dawn reflects light on the white city gate.
long before the mortal soul,
awakens from such fragmented dreams.

Shay White
Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

Double Dragon

Shay White

Pan's Emergence

Mortal Loss

An immortals walk into eternity,
burns bright with liquid fire,
leaving behind, a trail of faded memories,
in a mortals deep desire.

Within, a heart softly weeps,
as time again stands still,
for the one who could not follow,
love lost in its bitter chill.

Footsteps echo on in the shadow of mortal minds,
persistent winds of change hiding in a distant land,
slowly erasing all paths through the endless time,
leaving all who try to follow walking through the empty sand.

Copyright Shay White 2005
All Rights Reserved

Blue Abyss

A flame from the blues of my soul.

Fleeting Dream

The sun spreads soft color across the new day.
Upon waking I reach for my pen,
to capture upon a blank page of my journal,
a bit dusty, from being left under the bed,
my abstract thoughts, fading quickly,
from within my fleeting dream.

I try to conjure back the images.
To bring once again to life, its conception,
as it winds a twisted path out of existence.
Pictures flash, slightly tattered around the edges.
Faint voices call out, barely above a whisper,
yet through the misty darkness, I hear them echo.

Remembering tears that left me,
like raindrops cascading during a storm,
that had traced faint rivers upon my skin.
I felt I had been left trembling in the chill wind,
shivering before a distant flickering firelight.
A bareness to my soul had been revealed, I had not expected.

My journal received no words of thought that day.
No need to hinder my future thought process,
with the writing down of uncompromising dreams.
I shoved the journal back under my bed,
to gather a bit more dust,
tossing the pen in behind it.

Shay White
Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

The Blue Nile

The Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean as seen by me from Long Beach, CA in 2001

Rosalita's Spirit

Sometimes we all have a bit of "Rosalita" in our soul . . .